Monthly Archives: August 2018

What is currently happening…

Hi there everyone!

I figured it would be best to give you all an update on what’s currently happening with Temporary Bliss: Dead Inside. The book has reached the beta readers. Some people have already given me their feedback on the story and it’s been very positive so far. I’m quite glad people are enjoying Alex’s story, even though it might not be the type of story they usually read and are looking forward to the published book.

All the while, in the background, I’ve been planning and working on a bit of a surprise. I won’t tell you exactly what it is, because I am still in the process of tying bits and pieces to one another, but hopefully we can figure it out together in the not so distant future. All that I can say is that it involves a new idea for an angsty romance.

Maybe that’s something which will get you thrilled & interested.

Back to Alex and Dead Inside though, there are still some things to work at, but if my plans turn out the way I want, you might be able to get your hands on it earlier than October 2018.

However, leaving the speculations aside, I just want to thank again to all the beautiful people who are helping me with the book. Your input and support makes a major difference for me!

Thank you so much!

And the rest of you should keep an eye out for what’s coming next. 😀


Alex W

The ghosts we fight (Quotes #1)

Click here if you want to read a full chapter of Temporary Bliss: Dead Inside.

“Ghosts are not something you compete with. One doesn’t go to battle with that which he can’t fight. You don’t jump into the mist and attempt to slice it with a knife. You can do that with flesh and bone, with something that bleeds, someone whose scars are visible, someone you can touch and know it’s real, but not with someone who’s left behind wounds deeper than one could fathom. I see that now. He’s given himself away. I’ve fallen in love with a broken man.”


Excerpt – Temporary Bliss: Dead Inside

Anyone interested in reading a chapter from Temporary Bliss: Dead Inside? Yes. Yes. I figured you’d be. Well, don’t let me keep you!

Temporary Bliss Dead Inside Alexander Ward

Warning: Book contains triggers and approaches subjects such as abuse, self-harm, PTSD and suicide.


It’s just another usual night. While I walk towards my designated client, I cannot help but notice the other’s envious stares and the waves of hate coming my way. I heave a sigh and keep minding my own stuff. I’ve never wished to become Stefan’s little pet. At first, those stares made me arrogant. He used to bring me here and show me his club Continue reading

Temporary Bliss: Dead Inside #1 – Blurb and Cover reveal

Since I suppose all of you are curious as to what the book might be about, I’ve written a short description of the book. Fair enough, it might not tell you much. I mean, it might not tell you anything at all, but you all know how I’m not big on spoilers and that I could talk about a book without actually doing that. You all know that too well. So why would my book Continue reading

Introductions are in order

Well. Hi there!

Some of you might know me from my other blog, Books, Rants and Reviews, where I sometimes write reviews for the books I’ve read or series I’ve watched. I might’ve tested your patience with the long periods that were filled with silence, but now I can let you know why.

I’m neck deep into writing and editing my first novel, a gritty, emotional story that’s been occupying my mind for the past seven Continue reading